Vient de paraître: Human Remains and Violence (vol. 2, n° 2, autumn 2016)

hrv-coverJust released:  4th issue from the new academic journal Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, edited by Elisabeth Anstett, Caroline Fournet and Jean-Marc Dreyfus and published by Manchester University Press.

This Fourth issue (volume 2, issue 2, Autumn 2016) is a thematic one, focusing on exhumations in Latin America. It includes investigations into mass violence in Guatemala, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia and Peru. This issue is available under subscription until December 2016, but will go full free Open Access since 2017.

We are now accepting submissions for our 7th issue (Volume 4, issue 1 – Spring 2018). Human Remains and Violence welcomes original research articles in line with the journal’s interdisciplinary scope (see here) on studies of any geographical region or historical period, from humanities, social and forensic sciences. All articles will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

Online submissions are made via the Human Remains and Violence ScholarOne website: For more information, please visit the journal’s webpage.

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Elisabeth Anstett (18 novembre 2016). Vient de paraître: Human Remains and Violence (vol. 2, n° 2, autumn 2016). ADES (UMR 7268). Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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